- Like Asif, the main character in this month’s book, many families fearing for their lives have taken the difficult decision to leave their homes in Syria in search of safety.
- While safer, their new life in a refugee camp is often very tough. It is common for children to go work to support their families. As Bassam* told us "I was very happy in Syria. I used to go to school; then, come back. After that, I would go home write and study; then, play with my friends outside. Since I have come here, I haven’t had any fun. I have to help provide for the family, for my brothers and sisters."
- Inspired by the stories shared by Syrian child refugees we’ve met in camps in Lebanon, this month’s book, Asif and the Songbird, explores the experiences of children forced to leave behind their homes and friends to find safety in new places.
“Lovely books that teach our kids about all different cultures across the globe. Wonderful!”
Ruth, Wonderparent ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐The illustrator
Andrés Landazabal is a children’s illustrator based in Colombia. About illustrating this book, Andrés says, “After hearing about everything these children have experienced I wanted to create something they would look at and really see themselves in. They’re such cool kids with ambition and plans for the future. I wanted people to see that!”
When he’s not illustrating beautiful children’s books he’s out and about on his bike painting landscapes and pretty much anything else he sees. Oh, and trying not to forget about his allotment!